Strength Build 2

Perform the group of exercises as a set. The amount of sets and repetitions of each exercise should be determined by what phase of training you're in, and what your objective is for the workout, i.e. mobility, stability, max strength, strength endurance, hypertrophy, or power. Correct form and posture is necessary.

Online Training Plans

Warmup: 10-15 minute easy run or bike warmup, dynamic stretching

Main Set 1: 

Dead Lifts:

Supine Leg Raises:

Main Set 2:


Scap Pushups:

Snow Devils:

Core Set:

Flutter Kicks:

Scissor Kicks:

Pikes with Stability Ball:

Challenge Exercise: Single Leg Pike with Stability Ball:

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As I've witnessed myself shift and change, I've been experimenting with some new coaching strategies. Most of my athletes know that ...