High Curls: Stand facing the TRX with feet hip-width apart. Grab the handles in front of your face, lean back, bend your elbows 90 degrees with your palms facing towards your face. Extend your arms, then bend your elbows to return to starting position.
Pushups: Stand facing away from the TRX with feet hip-width apart. Hold the handles at chest height in front of you, arms extended and palms facing the floor. With body aligned from head to heels, shift weight to balls of your feet and bend your elbows. Push up to return to the starting position.
Pullups: Stand facing towards the TRX with feet hip-width apart. Hold the handles at chest height with your arms extended and palms facing each other. Bend your elbows and pull yourself up, with your body aligned from head to heels. Extend your arms back out to return to the starting position.
Single Arm Rows: Stand facing the TRX with feet hip-width apart. Grab a handle with your right arm, while keeping your left arm at your side. Lean back, keeping your body aligned from head to heels, extend your right arm, and allow your body to open up to the left, in order to engage your obliques. Pull the handle with your right arm until your body is back up to the starting position, and your body is back to facing forward. Repeat with your left arm.
Single Leg Squats w/Glute Stretch: Stand facing the TRX with your right leg on the ground, and your left foot flexed and crossed over your right knee. Slightly lean back, bend your right knee into a squat position, then focus on using your leg to lift you back up, rather than your arms. Repeat with your left leg.
Lunges: Stand facing away from the TRX with your left foot in one of the foot cradles behind you. Bend your right knee into a lunge. Keeping your left leg straight and pressing into your foot will add in a nice hip flexor stretch. Switch legs when you're done.
Leg Curls: Lying supine with your heels in the TRX's foot cradles, extend your legs straight out in front of you, lift your hips off the ground, then bend your knees and pull your feet in towards you. Extend your feet back out, but keep your hips lifted to complete the rest of the reps.
Pikes: Keep your core engaged without letting your lower back sink down. Make sure your shoulders are aligned overtop of your wrists.
Jackknives: Use your core to lift your hips up into the air and close to over your shoulders. Make sure your shoulders stayed aligned over your wrists.
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